The Bigness of God

All of nature is SO big and fierce

The wide ocean
The deep woods
The dry desert
The rapid rivers

It’s all so big and beautiful, but it’s also all-consuming.

I was watching the movie Cast Away recently and thought to myself how crazy it would be, to be that guy with his Wilson ball, stuck on an island. He was surrounded with such beauty; but it was this amazing beauty that can literally consume him.

The ocean is big, but I imagine it would feel even bigger when you are stranded, and nature literally kicks you in the butt, because you have no manmade resources to help protect you against the roughness of nature. The manmade resources we use in our world make it seem like we have control. But the reality is, we don’t.

If God brings on a violent hurricane, tornado, wild fire; we are all in trouble; and there will be no working fast enough to get anything under control.

You will feel the wrath of the ocean waves. You will be tossed in every which direction, by the strong winds of a hurricane or tornado if you do not find shelter. Nature will rock you; and you can never conquer it. It will conquer you if you don’t find a way to hide from it or work with it. Nature will make you feel so so so small.

Isn’t this how God is? This world that He created gives us a tiny glimpse of how gigantic, limitless, and beautiful God is; in all His holiness, wisdom, and power. He is more mighty, big, and vast than I can comprehend to image. And there is absolutely no way at all that He can be conquered, because our God is a consuming fire! (Hebrews 12:29)  If we can’t even conquer the ocean or the wind there’s no way God will ever be conquered either.

Even though the world feels big, in reality this earth is just God’s footstool. He measures the water in the hollow of his hand.

Us little humans are so silly to think that we have any power at all.

Standing in front of the roaring ocean or hearing the thunder of a storm always leaves me in complete awe of God and puts a reverential fear of God in me. It always reminds me that He is God and I am but dust. (Job 10:9) 

Proverbs 9:10 
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Psalms 147:5

Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.

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