Ponder The Path

Meditations of our hearts

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

Luke 2:19

Hi I'm Jared

I grew up in a Christian home and was instructed very well with solid biblical teaching. I did my best, but started failing miserably as I grew into my teenage years. In my twenties I completely fell away from God, and intentionally made the decision to no longer follow Christ Jesus Whom I had once loved. Sin and the disappointments of life had deceived me, and my lusts and desires pulled me into worldly and prodigal living, and depths of sin that I never imagined I would find myself in.

In 2015 I found myself miserable in life, with terrible health issues, a failed marriage, and ultimately a ruined life. There was no recovering from it and I was done trying. Jesus came to me, and met me there with an option to follow Him, and challenged me to die to everything in my hear to find the life that He had for me.

I have been in amazement since I have found out what it means to really repent, really know God, and live as a child of God. I have had to relearn what real faith looks like in action, and what it really means to live a life of loving God.

I hope and pray that you are blessed by pondering some of the ways that God has led and taught my wife and I, and that you will share your journey with us. May God bless you

– Jared.

Hi I'm Kristin

…and I’m just a sinner saved by God’s amazing grace from my-wretched-self, and from the evils of this world. Turning my life to God has been the best thing and the hardest thing. 

Following God has not been a cake walk, by any means. Although, God leads and guides our steps and has good plans, it doesn’t mean that life is without difficulty. In some ways it seems more difficult, but I know it’s for the better because it encourages me to lean heavily on God and His amazing grace. The way He has led and guided our lives has put me in situations where God can work deeply on my heart and mind; to undo all the things that the world and my sin nature has molded me into.

Our journey has encouraged me greatly, to ponder the path of my feet, which has not only revealed our calling for us from one season of life to another; but has also helped me learn more about myself, and even more importantly about God and who He is.

I’m excited to share some of my pondering thoughts that I have treasured up, which led to intimate times with God and deep heart growth. 

Hello and Welcome!

God bless you for joining us on this journey of walking through this life with God! This is what we like to call our Pilgrimage! 

Following God has not been a cake walk, by any means.  Although, God leads and guides our steps and has good plans, it doesn’t mean that life is without difficulty. In some ways it seems more difficult, but we know it’s for the better because it encourages us to lean heavily on God and His amazing grace. The way He has led and guided our lives has put us in situations where God can work deeply on our hearts and minds, in order to undo all the things that the world and our sin nature has molded us into.

Our journey has encouraged us greatly, to ponder the path of my feet, which has not only revealed our calling for us from one season of life to another; but has also helped us learn more about ourselves, and even more importantly about God and who He is.

We are excited to share some of our pondering thoughts that we have “treasured up”, which led to intimate times with God and deep heart growth. 

We plan to share some of the major ways that God has worked in our lives. To start, below click “Featured Stories” to read through our candid journals.

Quitting our jobs and moving to Alabama

Alabama and finding our Tiny House

Moving forward into the Promised Land

Relationships - Dating

Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established.

Proverbs 4:26

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