Cultivating Prayerful Kids

When you have foster kids living in your home, you are often waiting for the next court date to get updates on the case. Each court date I ready my heart and mind for whatever news may come. These are the primary questions that go through my mind:  Will they be reunified with their bio family? Will they continue to stay in our home? How long will they be staying?  There are always so many questions, but very few solid answers. You never know what is going to happen, so I always feel like I need to be ready.  For any child living in our home, I will always have a children’s bible ready to send with them, just in case good-byes happen suddenly. 

While kids live in our home, of course we take care of them physically. We also teach them some important life skill such as, how to ride a bike, how to fold clothes, how to show kindness, and how to fold a taco.  But most importantly, we care for them by teaching them how to have a spiritual foundation. 

Everyday we talk about God and learn about God. Sometimes that includes sitting down at the table and reading a children’s bible while doing a biblical craft; sometimes it is during meal times or driving to school while listening to a Christian kid’s pod cast; Sometimes it is at spontaneous moments when the kids ask random questions about God. Other times it is when the kids would get themselves in trouble and then we debrief in a simplistic way about why it was wrong. I often remind them that “love is not rude” (1 Corinthians 13) and then we pray for help with whatever it was that they are struggling with. If I am struggling to parent, I also pray for myself in that moment.  I hope they realize that I also call on God in times of weakness.  With God being the center of my life and and my husband’s life, seeds of God’s goodness are being planted into the hearts and minds of the children in our care in one way or another, even if it is not consistently the same exact way everyday.

As much as I try to keep-up with a schedule throughout the chaos of the day, things don’t always go as planned with little ones. One of the consistent routines we have with the kids in our care, is their bed time routine. It never matters how long it takes, because there is no place we have to arrive to on time. The bed time routine consists of going to the bathroom, bath time, brush teeth, and pray.

Before prayer, we ask if they have any sad, mad, or worried feelings and then remind them to tell God. We ask them if there is anything they want or hope for, and then remind them they can ask God for these things. We ask them if there is anything they are excited or happy about and then remind them to give thanks to God.  Often times, I recall their previous prayers and then point out how God helped them.  This always prompts exciting and smiling faces. I hope that their joyful reactions are revealing their faith growing right before my very eyes.

After hearing what is on each of their hearts, my husband or I will pray for them.  However, after many examples of modeled prayer, we both decided that it was time to let them pray for themselves. We know it is vital to be certain they could pray on their own, since we may not always be by their side to guide them through prayer. 

I remember the first time each of the children prayed. I was absolutely amazed at how well each of them did!  I assumed they would each pray about one thing and then be done.  However, I am so delighted to say I was wrong.  Not only did they pray for themselves, but they also prayed for each other. And further more, as I continued to sit pleasantly surprised, they each imitated some of the same things my husband and I also say in our prayers with them — “Thank you for your Word”, “help us to sleep peacefully tonight”, “thank you for keeping us safe on the roads”, thank you for Jesus dying on the cross.  I have never been more proud of them, and thankful to God that He helped us as parents to be consistent at this one thing…the one thing that is necessary

I’m aware of how important prayer is, but since everyone is learning to read, I have since learned how much more amazing and essential it is.  This under appreciated, divine tool from God allows all to come to Him no matter your age, intelligence, or speaking abilities. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a crowded room or by yourself. You can always pray and set your mind and heart on Him. I know it’s the best thing we could have ever taught them.  After hearing the kids pray night after night, I began to wonder, if God has a soft spot for all children, how much more a praying child who puts their faith in Jesus?

For any kids that transition out of our home, I send a children’s bible and lots of pictures of our memories. Unfortunately, I have no idea if those things will be thrown away.  But I know one thing is for sure, no one can take away the fact that they learned to pray. I just hope and pray that they remember to use the most vital tool and gift we gave them.  

Even though there is a lot I will never know about these kiddos, I have a lot of hope that the impact of prayer modeled for them and prayer practiced with them, will be a lasting memory that will encourage them to keep praying and putting their faith in Jesus, through whatever life might bring them.  I also know that when I pray for them to remember this, I have the power of God on my side, and I have the faith to know He hears the prayers of the righteous.  It makes me confident that God will hear my prayers for them: to remember to pray. 

Deuteronomy 6:6-7
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

Luke 10:41-42
But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.  Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

Psalm 139:1-4
O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit and when I rise; You understand my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down;
You are aware of all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue, You know all about it, O LORD.

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