God Is In The Details

Going thru the Old Testament, specifically when God talks about building the tabernacle, the temple, and doing the sacrifices; I’m amazed how detail oriented God is.  Although God does not change, it is clear that the covenants have surely changed.  There is no longer a bunch of holy hoops to jump through in order to talk with God.

Thank God for Jesus!

Instead of God caring about the details of a physical temple, it is now our bodies that are the temple of the Living God. It is now our bodies and especially our hearts that He has so much detailed care for. 

I know that my only hope to be changed more into the image of Christ, is only going to come by being in ALOT of prayer about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. 

The things that might seem insignificant are significant to God. His word says to cast my burdens on Him for He cares. But as I sit here and really meditate on that scripture and look into other translations, like the amplified version of this text, it really gets me thinking.

The amplified bible says to cast your WHOLE care. All your worries, all your anxieties, all your concerns on HIM for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.  

This is just amazing, that a God so big, mighty, and high cares about my small worries, anxieties, annoyances, bad attitudes, my sadness, my hurt, every word I say and every hair on my head. He cares! 

God does not want us to just quote a verse, smile, and get by. If something is truly hurting me, worrying me, or bothering me; I need to acknowledge it and can take it ALL to God.

This is how I experience that intimate time with Him. This is how I can truly experience His help in every detail of my life because I let Him into the the details of my life. 

God wants us to be honest with Him and when we are, He honors that by allowing us to experience more of His strength in our weakness and His peace that transcends all understands. I can truly taste and see that God is good through each and every tiny spec of detail. 



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