Faith and Action

God Centered Goals – Creating Goals that Matter

Note: If you would like to hear me read this post with a video, please scroll to the end of the post. Inspired by a journal entry January 17, 2022 Proverbs 24:3 NKJV Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; Sometimes people develop goals out of selfish reasons. For example, […]

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House Mortgage but no income

Feeling the Financial Risk of Being a Housewife

Note: This exact journal entry can also be found on YouTube, where I read it along with a video. (Inspired by a journal entry I wrote on June 28, 2020, which was about prioritizing; January 2, 2022, which was about dwelling in the land; August 11, 2021, about being a housewife) For me personally, I

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businessman, laptop, bag-1866582.jpg

A Biblical Perspective on Work and Money

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 NLTMake it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. [12] Then people who are not believers will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others. I have become convinced over these

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Pilgrim Journey

Faith and Action vs. Love and Action

Pondering on how Faith and works is similar to love and works. Scripture says that if you truly believe in Jesus and love Jesus there will be action behind your love for Him and your belief in Him — “works”.  Your actions and how you live your life will show your faith in Him and

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Promised Land - picture for Christian Blog

Moving Forward into the Good Land – Part 3

Our move from Alabama to Texas was far too big of a move for Jared to haul the house himself, so we hired a professional to haul the house.  The professional mover wouldn’t be arriving in Texas with the house until Monday.   This would be perfect for us, so that we would have time to

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Pilgrim Journey - Blog

Moving Journal Entries — Finding our Tiny house and Moving to Texas

After moving to Alabama, we still remained unsure of where we should be going. Kristin was convinced it was Texas, but where in Texas? We didn’t look too far into this because we didn’t even have a tinyhouse yet. We knew we had to take one thing at a time. Once God led us to

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moving in faith

Moving Journal Entries – West Virginia to Alabama

Moving is not something we ever planned to do, but soon after our marriage, we started realizing that moving away from everything we ever knew, was in God’s big plan for us.   This is our story of how God led us to move and how He guides us through the whole process. Everything from quitting

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