Confident Faith

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Specific Guidance is Biblical

I like pondering about how God led specifically and that we can see that in scripture. Many times when we share parts of our stories with other people, we will get looks of doubt that God has actually led us specifically…even from other Christians.  Shortly, after the initial moment of getting that you’re-crazy-look, it’s easy

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Specific Guidance is Biblical Read More »

God Changing Me From the Inside Out | The Christ Like Difference

I remember when I first started changing the type of clothes that I wore. I stopped wearing short-shorts, mini skirts,  belly shirts, and skin-tight clothes. I remember thinking to myself, these clothes are just so different that I don’t feel like me in them.  I didn’t like it and I felt like I was losing myself.  Even though I

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God Changing Me From the Inside Out | The Christ Like Difference Read More »