Beware of Dissipation

“Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap;

Luke 21:34 NASBS

I believe this is a sobering warning for all of us living at this time, to beware of dissipation, being “scatter brained”, and losing focus on what is most important. Dividing our time and focus so many ways means that we ourselves have become dispersed and disintegrated.

God, Help us to have a singular focus on Christ Jesus as we walk through this world of distractions.

1. The act of scattering; dispersion; the state of being dispersed; as the dissipation of vapor or heat.
2. In physics, the insensible loss or waste of the minute parts of a body, which fly off, by which means the body is diminished or consumed.
3. Scattered attention; or that which diverts and calls off the mind from any subject.
4. A dissolute, irregular course of life; a wandering from object to object in pursuit of pleasure; a course of life usually attended with careless and exorbitant expenditure of money, and indulgence in vices, which impair or ruin both health and fortune.

This definition is from the Webster’s unabridged dictionary:

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