Author name: Kristin Taibi

Adoption journey

Seeing God’s Grace in our Foster-to-Adopt Journey

Traveling and a new route – visitation With having a child now I have become much less inclined to travel. We’ve traveled often because of our visits back to see our family and because of Jared’s work, which we travel together for as well. We assumed he would be asked to travel once again very

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Adoption has been on my heart for a long time

I didn’t realize how long I thought of adoption until looking back in my journal entries. It’s been since 2016, that God has been putting this on my heart.  However, at the time of 2016 I wasn’t sure if adoption was something I just desired to do, or if it was God putting this on

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Adoption has been on my heart for a long time Read More »

God Centered Goals – Creating Goals that Matter

Note: If you would like to hear me read this post with a video, please scroll to the end of the post. Inspired by a journal entry January 17, 2022 Proverbs 24:3 NKJV Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; Sometimes people develop goals out of selfish reasons. For example,

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Thoughts on our Adoption Journey and George Muller

June 13, 2022 I’ve been thinking of George Muller and his amazing story with building an orphanage for the fatherless children.  He did not work a secular job and he told no one of his needs.  He only prayed to God and God supplied for him exactly what he needed every time.  Sometimes that was

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Revealing Sin – Questions to ask yourself

Author unknow, but inspired by God  Jared found these questions in his bible from the 90’s. We both enjoyed reading over these questions to examine our own hearts.  We hope this would help you as well!   Examples of Sin & Transgression Have we forgiven everyone? Is there any malice, spite, hatred or enmity in our hearts?

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