Author name: Kristin Taibi

Fighting to Take Our Thoughts Captive, as Foster Parents

I’ve been doing foster care for a little over a year. There has been so much to learn with being a parent and further more with being a foster parent. Training about the effects of childhood trauma is necessary, so that you can parent effectively, compassionately, and with understanding of their needs, but it’s not

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Learning How to Parent – Inspired by Exodus and Leviticus

When the Israelites first meet The One True God, God blesses them greatly. He helps them by performing amazing miracles and saving them out of slavery (Exodus 3-14). This this the beginning of their relationship. Of course the Israelites knew of God, but Exodus is the first time God is introducing Himself to them personally,

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The Unexpected Burdens of Foster Care Appointments

As a foster parent, once a month it is required to have several people come visit our home. CPS Caseworker Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) or Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Agency Caseworker We try our best to coordinate everyone’s visit on the same day at the same time, but that’s not always possible. And also

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The foster care paperwork that no one ever tells you about

In the last post, I shared about how there is a lot of paperwork when a child is initially placed into a foster home. But the paperwork doesn’t stop there….It’s ongoing. The next unexpected paperwork needed, is the inventory of clothes and shoes.  Of course, when a child doesn’t come with a lot, it’s simple for

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The foster care paperwork that no one ever tells you about Read More »

Taking our first step to foster-to-adopt | God’s Encouragement through a Divine Appointment

In all my research for the first steps to take in this journey, I felt confused. There is so much to consider. The more I researched, the more overwhelmed I felt by information. At the time, we were also looking to buy a house. Finding a house during 2020 completely took over and the adoption

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Taking our first step to foster-to-adopt | God’s Encouragement through a Divine Appointment Read More »

National Adoption Awareness Month and Our Personal Journey

One way to adopt is to foster-to-adopt, which is the path that we are taking to adopt children. This month I want to share more of our foster-to-adopt journey, while also sharing about everything involved in the foster-to-adopt process. I hope sharing about our unique journey will help bring more awareness to adoption and encourage

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